March 2016
My application for an allotment was accepted and after turning down the first one I took on Plot 8 at Westend, Cam. I paid my £25 annual fee, signed the paperwork and sat down!
What have I done? Fellow allotmenteers (is that a word?) told me that the plot had not been looked after for 8 years, a few had tried and given up.
I needed a helping hand so I employed the services of Elite Roofing and Property Maintenance to clear the weeds and grass. (Okay, ER&PM is owned by my son, Kyle, so a quick plug there!)
Before from the top & bottom
Weeded & sods placed into a mound for loam
The only thing worth keeping – a Rosemary Bush
I used pallet collars to make raised beds
And even in March I knew I had chosen the right location – beautiful