Plot & Home Update
Well, I thought I was early, getting to the allotment at 8:30 this Sunday morning – but who am I greeted by? Carol & Howard on plot 3! Already beavering away at this ungodly hour!
After a quick chat, I managed to achieve everything I set out to do before I got too hot!
Weed every bed;
Scatter Seaweed & Neem granules on every bed;
Spray the rust-infested garlic with Diathane;
Plant a few Kohl Rabi & Swedes and the first Sweetcorn:
And at home I managed to:
Remove the cold frame;
Plant a few leeks where the cold frame was;
Pot on some Fuego, Joe’s Long & Spaghetti chillis;
Build a solar hydroponics system for the outdoor cucumbers;
And film everything!